1:1 Binge Eating & Health Coach NZ, here to help you:

Stop binge eating, emotional eating, overeating, food addiction and find food freedom, by transforming your relationship with food, body & self!

Finally get your life back & focus on what matters!


You don’t need to another diet, you need a MINDSET upgrade!

Emotional, Over & Binge Eaters come to me for help with:

  • Breaking free of binge eating , emotional eating, stress eating and overeating

  • Ending the yo-yo dieting cycle

  • Overcoming food addiction and sugar addiction

  • Establishing sustainable healthy habits and routines

  • Healing their relationship with food & body

  • Cultivating a more loving and compassionate relationship with themselves

  • Busting food & body limiting beliefs and fears

  • Building body acceptance and body confidence

  • Anti-diet weight loss advice and support


Transform from the The Emotional, Over & Binge Eater to The Relaxed Eater…

I see you Emotional, Over & Binge Eaters…

  • You’re constantly obsessing & stressing about your food choices

  • You’re tried many dieting programs but always felt hungry and restricted… they never seem to last

  • You sneak snacks into your room when your roommates, family or partner isn’t looking (*no one will ever know!)

  • You tend to overeat at most meals, especially dinner and feel uncomfortably full afterwards (#regret)

  • You overly strategise what to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner - you want to be in complete control at all times

  • You feel like a bit of β€˜failure’ when you break your own food rules and beat yourself up for it, and usually restrict yourself the next day and punish yourself with over exercise

  • You freak out when a friend spontaneously wants to go out for lunch (this was NOT a part of the plan!)

  • You feel anxious going to parties as you know they’ll be so many food temptations and you don’t know if you’ll have the willpower to say β€˜NO’ to them

  • You feel exhausted by counting calories, weighing foods, and weighing herself daily - but it also helps you feel safe & in control

  • You panic at the thought of going shopping - those change room meltdowns are real

  • You can’t keep food packets in the house as you’re too scared to eat them all

Girl eating a donut from the fridge
woman holding a burger in one hand and smart device in the other hand

No judgement here. I get it. I've been there, ate that. I know what's like to be so consumed & obsessed by food and my body, that the rest of life falls by the wayside.

woman holding chop sticks about to eat a bite of food

Are you desiring to become…
The Relaxed Eater?

  • She has a healthy relationship with food, body & self

  • She eats when she is hungry and stops when she is full

  • She goes out to pizza with friends on a Friday night, eats the delicious pizza without guilt and never thinks about it again

  • She eats for fuel and nourishment

  • She eats slowly and mindfully, enjoying each and every bite

  • She has no rules, no labels around food - there are no β€˜good’ and β€˜bad’ foods in her world

  • She soothes herself in healthy non-food ways

  • She feels calm and in control at social events - she can trust herself to make the healthiest choice for her body and indulge in the foods she really desires

Umm this sounds awesome.. I’d love to become The Relaxed Eater!

Curious about becoming The Relaxed Eater?

I have just the program for you! The Relaxed Eater is for women yearning to stop binge eating, overeating and emotional eating, ditch the diet and create an empowering relationship with food so they can experience more freedom and happiness.

 Love from past clients

I have had the pleasure of working with Charlotte through a 6-month coaching program to help me overcome binge eating. Our time together though went much deeper and Charlotte supported me through a lot of life challenges including fear of success, procrastination, and times of sadness. Often overthinking & feeling overwhelmed she could break my thoughts down into something that made sense to me and teach me tools to help me make a plan/focus to move through. She taught me how to give myself permission to feel, and I never felt embarrassed or that I couldn’t discuss something with her. Charlotte is so friendly and warm, always emphatic and patient too. I deeply value our time together and the progress she helped me make in my life. We had weekly sessions and she made herself available by chat at other times so I never felt alone in times of need or discomfort. I recommend Charlotte whole heartedly in helping you overcome, focus and achieve. Her self-leadership coaching was critical in helping me to achieve goals.

Vanessa, New Zealand

β€˜Starting my journey with Charlotte was one of the scariest but best things I have done. She is full of wisdom and tips that helped grow my relationship with food and myself. Couldn't recommend her more :)

Petra, New Zealand

'Charlotte has been an absolutely awesome coach. She knew where to start to give me the best foundations for further development and just general overall health and well-being. I really enjoyed our sessions, and just want to say thank you for the wonderful journey. In each session I was meet with an understanding and supportive energy. I highly recommend working with Charlotte. It really helped me getting started on my journey back to a life I enjoy living. Thank you.’

Josephine, Denmark

β€˜I am so grateful for the time and effort you took to help me. I never thought it would be possible to create such healthy habits in 12 weeks and not feel like I'm "done" when the coaching ended. I truly feel that I have the tools and motivation I need to forge a healthy life, have an ordered place for "sometimes" foods and be happy to love myself for the sake of my own and my family's happiness.’

Danni, Brisbane

Binge eating & other disordered eating patterns are simply a symptom of a deeper problem. Let’s get to the root cause together!

Girl smiling

Hello! I’m Charlotte.

I’m a Binge Eating & Health Coach NZ on a mission to empower woman to stop binge eating, emotional eating, disordered eating, and overeating and heal their relationship with food, body & self.

I personally struggled with yo-yo dieting, binge eating, low self-esteem, stress and fatigue for years. For all those years, I thought I was a willpower weakling and tried to punish myself into being a β€˜good’ dieter and hate myself into the body of my dreams. I was following all the β€œdieting” advice that resulted in the opposite of what it promised. I used to measure my self-worth according to the number on scale. Except, no matter what the number said it was never good enough.

Fed up with stressing about food & body and counting every almond, I started devouring every book, podcast and video I could about holistic health, which led me to discover the Institute for the Psychology of Eating and become a Certified Eating Psychology Coach. The certification not only helped me transform my relationship with food & body, but my relationship with myself as I am now proudly my own best friend and biggest cheerleader.

My Coaching Approach is:

  • It is a whole-of-person approach - we dive into all areas of life that may be contributing to your food & body struggles.

  • It is a healthy blend of nutritional, spiritual, psychological and practical guidance.

  • It goes well beyond nutrition & exercise, as being holistically healthy is not just β€˜looking’ the part, but how you feel about yourself, how you process your emotions, how you relate to food & body and more…

  • It is completely tailored to the individual (no cookie cutter approaches here!), as each person is on their own unique health journey and requires different support/guidance

  • It is a non-diet approach, without rules or restrictions, without calorie counting or getting macro-specific (in fact, letting go of these things is one keys to sustainable health!)

  • It is focused on addressing the root cause of your food & body challenges (i.e. we recognise that binge eating is actually the solution to a deeper issue that needs addressing)

What to Expect in 1:1 Coaching Sessions:

  • Each session is uniquely tailored to you and what you need most in that moment.

  • Sessions are both structured (where I'll be diving into core concepts to reflect on) and intuitive (seeing what is alive in you to share and flow into).

  • I provide a safe and non-judgement space for you to explore your inner world and be seen and heard in your truth.

  • I will provide you with suggestions and guidance, but you are ultimately in control of what you decide to do with it.

  • I ask thought provoking question to get you thinking and to reveal to you the answers already within.

  • I guide you in taking doable and sustainable steps towards your health goals and help you navigate the challenges along the way.

  • I'm not here to give you all the answers & solve all your problems, rather I will empower you to also self-source your own answers (you are wiser than you might think)

You deserve to stop binge eating and experience food freedom!

Listen to my food freedom journey and learn some helpful tips to help you stop binge eating & find food freedom

Podcast episode with Eugenia from Unlox’U, an Eating Psychology Clinic.

You can also binge on some of my TikTok videos here πŸ˜‰

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Binge eating refers to the act of consuming a significantly large amount of food in a relatively short period, often accompanied by a feeling of being out of control and driven by intense cravings or emotional triggers. This behaviour can be characterized by eating rapidly, even when not feeling physically hungry, and often continuing to eat even when uncomfortably full. A binge eater is an individual who engages in such episodes of excessive food consumption, often as a response to stress, emotional distress, or other psychological factors. These episodes can lead to a sense of guilt, discomfort, and potential health issues, but it's important to note that not all binge eaters necessarily have Binge Eating Disorder (BED), which is a clinical diagnosis involving specific criteria.

  • Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is a serious mental health condition characterised by recurrent episodes of consuming large quantities of food within a relatively short period, accompanied by a loss of control and intense feelings of guilt, shame, or distress afterward. Unlike bulimia nervosa, individuals with BED do not engage in compensatory behaviors such as purging or excessive exercise. BED can lead to physical and emotional health complications, including obesity, diabetes, and depression. It is essential to seek professional help for BED, as therapy, coaching and support can aid in managing and overcoming this disorder, promoting a healthier relationship with food, body and self.

  • Disordered eating encompasses a wide range of irregular eating behaviors and attitudes towards food and body image that deviate from what is considered healthy and typical. It can include practices such as restrictive dieting, overeating, binge eating, and frequent weight fluctuations. Disordered eating often results from a complex interplay of psychological, societal, and environmental factors and can lead to both physical and emotional health consequences. While not always meeting the criteria for specific eating disorders like anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa, disordered eating can still significantly impact a person's overall well-being and may benefit from professional intervention and support to establish a healthier relationship with food and body image.

  • Here are 15 common symptoms and behaviours associated with disordered eating. It's important to note that this is not an exhaustive list, and individuals may not experience all of these symptoms.

    >Frequent Dieting: Constantly starting and stopping various diets or restrictive eating plans.

    >Preoccupation with Food: An obsessive focus on calorie counting, food rules, or meal planning.

    >Skipping Meals: Regularly skipping meals or going extended periods without eating.

    >Binge Eating: Consuming large amounts of food in a short time with a sense of loss of control.

    >Overeating: Eating beyond the point of feeling full, often in response to emotional distress.

    >Emotional Eating: Turning to food as a coping mechanism for stress, anxiety, or depression.

    >Purging: Engaging in behaviors like vomiting, laxative use, or excessive exercise to compensate for overeating.

    >Body Dissatisfaction: Persistent dissatisfaction with one's body size or shape, regardless of actual weight.

    >Weight Fluctuations: Frequently losing and regaining weight due to erratic eating habits.

    >Secretive Eating: Hiding or eating in private to avoid judgment or scrutiny from others.

    >Rigid Food Rules: Strictly following self-imposed rules about what foods are "good" or "bad."

    >Avoidance of Social Activities: Declining social gatherings or events that involve food.

    >Excessive Exercise: Compulsively exercising to burn off calories or lose weight.

    >Distorted Body Image: Perceiving one's body size or shape inaccurately, often seeing oneself as overweight when underweight.

    >Guilt and Shame: Feeling intense guilt or shame after eating, particularly after episodes of overeating or binging.

    By addressing these disordered eating symptoms and signs early on, we can often prevent them from turning into a full-blown eating disorder.

    If you resonate with many of these symptoms, you’re welcome to book in a complementary food freedom consult and take the first step towards a healthier relationship with food, body and self. You don’t have to do this alone, help is available!

  • You might be wondering what the difference is between an Eating Psychology coach and other health coaches. Well, there are a few key differences, that make us unique. Here’s what you need to know…

    To begin with, I am professionally trained and certified in a new cutting-edge approach to Eating Psychology, developed by the Institute for the Psychology of Eating. Essentially, it integrates the fields of Dynamic Eating Psychology and Mind Body Nutrition. This covers the foundational necessities that other approaches tend to overlook and completely miss, which is the advantage we gain in respect to the psychological aspect of being a health coach.

    We base our coaching on the fact that eating well is only one half of the health puzzle. The other half is the psychology behind it.

    As a qualified Eating Psychology coach, I am skilled at addressing the root causes surrounding weight concerns, overeating, binge eating, emotional eating, endless dieting, body image challenges and various other nutrition related health concerns such as digestion, fatigue, gut health, mood issues, and more.

    These may all just seem like simple β€œdiet” problems, but in reality, they’re often just symptoms of deeper psychological triggers.

    Mind | Body | Soul – The Key to Holistic, Balanced, Empowering Wellness.

    My role is to guide you in taking doable and sustainable steps towards greater wellness and help you navigate your journey within. I take a holistic, judgment-free, keep-it-simple approach that incorporates a healthy blend of nutrition, psychology and spirituality.

    You can trust that all of my training and my own life experience has encouraged me to look at the various health challenges women face from a different perspective.

    It is essential to dive deep into your unique life and food story in a non-judgmental, shame-free way and explore all of the potential contributing personal factors – relationships, sexuality, finances, spirituality, etc. - that may be impacting your relationship with food, your health and your quality of life.

    My approach to coaching is grounded upon finding and addressing the root cause. Our bodies will often try to get our attention by providing us with symptoms. While these symptoms always seem health related, the root cause could stem from any area of life. A Band-Aid will cover the flow of blood from a deep wound for a while, but if it is not treated properly, it will fester and poison the rest of our body.

    I use a combination of practical coaching strategies, results-orientated psychological tools, clinical nutrition strategies, and mind-body-science techniques (some inspired by the likes of Dr John Demartini and Dr Joe Dispenza), to facilitate powerful healing and mind-body-soul breakthroughs for my clients that yield sustainable life-long results.

    In this way, eating and health challenges actually become a place of exploration and opportunity for inner work and personal growth. No longer will you see food as the enemy.

    Eating Psychology coaches are taught to focus on what truly heals the body – self-love, self-acceptance, speaking our truth, nurturing relationships, being authentic, personal empowerment and other aspects that transcend the physical nature of our bodies.

    My role is to guide you in taking nourishing, doable and sustainable steps towards greater wellness and vitality. This includes creating new healthy habits, making lifestyle changes and mindset shifts that all work together to support you in fulfilling your purpose and your goals.

    To experience a true and lasting transformation calls for a deeper, more holistic and personal approach. It really helps when you have someone to walk alongside you on your journey, readily available to check in and support you when you need it most.

    That’s my inspired mission, as your coach and your friend. I am here to walk alongside you, guiding you through your journey to help you live with purpose, become your most empowered self, and experience life to the fullest!

Have more questions? Simply email me at: hello@therelaxedeater.com, and I’ll be happy to answer them.

 Grab the Free Guide

17 Quick Tips to Overcome Overeating Guide Mockup